ACIS Youth is dedicated to fostering the mental health and well-being of children and young people in the Northeast of Scotland. Our mission is grounded in responsible care and nurture, promoting inclusion, and providing quality therapeutic services. Explore the various programs below to learn how we support the mental health journey of our children and young people.

Our Services:

  • Free one-to-one counselling
  • Initial assessment within one to two weeks
  • Up to 12 counselling sessions

Our Aspirations

As part of Mental Health Aberdeen, we are built on strong established values of responsible care and nurture. We seek to positively contribute to the health and well-being of our communities by ensuring quality therapeutic services are available and accessible to all our children and young people.

Our aspirations are to create a centre of excellence for training and practice in the Northeast of Scotland where we promote inclusion and responsiveness in our learning and development.

How counselling and psychotherapy can help children and young people

Counselling and psychotherapy can assist children and young people to address and overcome developmental challenges, psychological obstacles, and traumatic life experiences. Therapy helps promote self-belief, enhance self-insight, and build resilience. ACIS Youth offers a non-judgemental, therapeutic relationship, where the well-being of the young person is paramount, and where their agenda is central.

How our services help

The children and young people who access our services will be experiencing a wide array of issues that can cause emotional and psychological distress such as:



Relationship difficulties

Suicidal thoughts

Isolation and loneliness

Self-harming behaviours

Loss of someone or something important

Problems within the family

The emotional and psychological distress experienced by children and young people will ultimately impact on confidence, self-esteem, and the ability to reach their full potential.

ACIS Youth counsellors are supported by an experienced team of supervisors and practitioners.

All counsellors are qualified, PVG checked, in receipt of regular line management and supervision and have a commitment to continued professional training and development.

ACIS Youth Counselling Services

ACIS Youth Hub

Established in 2007, our youth counselling hub offers free one-to-one therapeutic counselling to young people aged 12 to 18 years of age in Northeast Scotland. Our counsellors provide a non-judgmental, therapeutic relationship, addressing a range of challenges from developmental obstacles to traumatic life experiences.

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What we offer

  • For people living in the Northeast of Scotland
  • For young people aged 12 to 18 years of age
  • Up to 12 counselling sessions on a weekly basis

ACIS Youth School Service

ACIS Youth have a counsellor based in all the local Authority Academy schools within Aberdeen City as well as a team of locality-based counsellors who offer a service to children aged 10 years and older within each Primary school in the City.

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What we offer

  • For all Aberdeen City school children and young people aged 10 years +
  • Up to 12 counselling sessions on a weekly basis

ACIS Youth Student Service

Established in 2019, our student service provides therapeutic counselling to young people making the transition from school to college, and to more mature students who may also require emotional and psychological support.

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What we offer

  • For students of NESCOL and SRUC (Craibstone and Elmwood campuses)
  • Up to 8 counselling sessions on a weekly basis

ACIS Youth Parents and Family

If you are someone in a parental role whose child is in therapy, it is important to remember that seeking support for yourself is a positive step towards understanding and supporting your child's mental health journey.

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What we offer

  • Free one-to-one counselling for parents/caregivers whose child is in therapy
  • A consultation service for parents/caregivers who want to discuss specific issues in a one off appointment
  • In person, online, or by telephone.

Our Statements

We offer responsive and inclusive therapeutic support, valuing relationships in promoting well-being.

We cherish individuality and freedom of expression.

We recognise the importance of adults and communities in the lives of our children and young people.

We collaborate with partners in statutory and voluntary sectors to best support those accessing our services.

We approach the process of identifying therapeutic needs thoughtfully and ethically.

We strive to help children and young people discover their potential.

Counselling can change the lives of individuals and families.

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Mental Health Aberdeen is a Registered Charity No. SC012306

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